Fake Entrepreneurship in MENA

Fake Entrepreneurship in MENA

All grants or supports for SME's/individual goes for computer/mobile and internet industry or its related applications. NOTHING for the ground projects. Internet and new web technology aren't the entrepreneurship we want.

That type of entrepreneurship doesn't help unemployed people. They want something that creats a new opportunities; such as plant the desert or establish a new factories/workshop. Not just providing information to serve a small group of people, who are already have the technology or can bring it form any other companies.

Entrepreneurship In the Middle East and North Africa region is all about new tools or new IT services helps forgin companies only. Although, you have to know that; it is not profitable for long term.

Governments have to write policies that can compulsion the companies to support or contribute a pure scientific research, or creat a new opportunities.

I suggest taxes should be higher for companies that does not crate a new jobs every year with world class salary wages.

My solid advice to you: get out of the hell! right now! No one will get rich in a third class country.


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